Jiuzhou Hao


Developmental (Neuro/Psycho)linguist

Hello, I’m Jiuzhou Hao [tɕiou ʈʂou xau].

I am a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at UiT The Arctic University of Norway.

My current project Heritage Language Processing: Pinning down the sources of individual variability is funded by the European Commission under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions.

My primary research centres on language development and processing in monolingual and bilingual children and adults with and without Developmental Language Disorders. Aiming to unpack how and why languages develop the way they do, this line of research studies the factors that modulate language development and use and the learning mechanisms behind language development.

I also study the potential effects of language experience, e.g., being/becoming bilingual, via the mind/brain on cognition and the potential knock-on effects in extra-linguistic and linguistic performance. For example, I study how different usage pattern of languages influence each individual’s preference of a neurocircuit during sentence processing. I also study the potential effects of effects of multilingual experience on oscillatory activities at rest and on cognitive tasks, e.g., memory, etc., across lifespan.